Contract Verb Meaning in the Cambridge Dictionary


    When it comes to writing and editing content for the web, it`s important to not only consider proper grammar and style, but also search engine optimization (SEO). One area that can have a big impact on both is the proper use of contract verbs.

    In the Cambridge Dictionary, a contract verb is defined as “a verb that is often shortened in speech or informal writing when it`s used with a pronoun.” Examples include “can`t” (cannot), “didn`t” (did not), and “won`t” (will not).

    While contract verbs are commonly used in everyday language, their use can have an impact on SEO. Search engines like Google use algorithms to analyze content and determine its relevance to specific search queries. One of the factors that can affect a page`s ranking in search results is the presence of exact match keywords.

    When using contract verbs, it`s important to consider whether the full form of the verb or the contracted form is more likely to appear in search queries related to the content. For example, if someone is searching for information on “cannot eat gluten,” it`s more likely that they would search for “can`t eat gluten” instead. Therefore, using the contracted form of the verb in this case would be more SEO-friendly.

    However, it`s not always necessary or appropriate to use a contracted form of a verb. In more formal or professional contexts, it may be better to use the full form of the verb to maintain a more polished tone. Additionally, using too many contractions can make a piece of content seem too informal or lacking in credibility.

    Ultimately, the use of contract verbs and their impact on SEO depends on the specific context and audience of the content. As a copy editor, it`s important to consider both proper grammar and style as well as SEO when evaluating the use of contract verbs in written content.