Martin Howe Withdrawal Agreement


    Martin Howe Withdrawal Agreement: An Overview

    In November 2018, the United Kingdom and the European Union reached an agreement on the terms of the UK`s withdrawal from the EU. This agreement, commonly known as the Withdrawal Agreement, outlines the terms of the UK`s departure, including issues such as citizens` rights, the financial settlement, and the Northern Ireland border.

    One of the key figures involved in the development of the Withdrawal Agreement was Martin Howe QC, a British lawyer and chairman of the pro-Brexit group Lawyers for Britain. Howe provided legal advice to the UK government during the negotiation process and was a vocal critic of the original draft agreement presented by the EU.

    What Was Martin Howe`s Role in the Withdrawal Agreement?

    Howe`s role in the negotiation process was primarily that of a legal advisor. As a specialist in EU law, he was called upon to provide legal analysis and advice on the various aspects of the agreement, including the controversial issue of the Northern Ireland border.

    Howe was a strong critic of the EU`s original draft withdrawal agreement, particularly the backstop provision, which would have kept Northern Ireland in the EU customs union and single market unless a different solution was found. Howe argued that this arrangement would have undermined the integrity of the UK and that it was unnecessary from a legal perspective.

    Howe`s criticisms of the EU`s proposal helped to shape the final version of the Withdrawal Agreement, which included a revised backstop arrangement that gave the UK more control over its customs arrangements and provided for a time-limited transition period.

    What Does the Withdrawal Agreement Mean for the UK?

    The Withdrawal Agreement is a complex document that covers a wide range of issues related to the UK`s departure from the EU. Some of the key provisions include:

    – A financial settlement: The UK will pay a sum to the EU to cover its outstanding financial commitments.

    – Citizens` rights: EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in the EU will be able to continue living and working as they do now.

    – Northern Ireland: The revised backstop arrangement will help to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland and ensure that trade flows smoothly between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

    – Transition period: The UK will remain in the EU`s customs union and single market during a transition period, which will last until the end of 2020 (or possibly longer if extended).

    The Withdrawal Agreement has been a controversial and divisive issue in the UK, with critics arguing that it does not deliver on the promises made during the Brexit referendum and that it leaves the UK in a weaker position than it was before. However, supporters of the agreement argue that it provides a basis for an orderly and smooth exit from the EU and that it helps to protect the interests of UK citizens and businesses.


    Martin Howe played an important role in the development of the Withdrawal Agreement, providing legal analysis and advice that helped to shape the final version of the agreement. While the agreement has been the subject of much controversy and debate, it represents a significant milestone in the UK`s process of leaving the EU and provides a framework for future negotiations and agreements.